µltraAMP PCR Plates
PCR Tubes
PCR Storage
96-Well Non-Skirted PCR Plate
96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR Plate
96-Well Full-Skirted PCR Plate
96-Well Fast PCR Plate
96-Well Semi-Skirted Raised Rim PCR Plate
96-Well 480 Plate
384-Well 480 Plate
384-Well NX Plate
384-Well Double Notch Plate
0.2 mL PCR Tubes with attached caps
0.65 mL PCR Tubes with attached caps
0.2 mL PCR µltraStrips
PCR Cap Strips
0.2 mL PCR Strips with attached caps
Silicone Sealing Mat
Clear Plate Sealers
Aluminum Plate Sealers
Real Time Plate Sealers
Ultra Clear Plate Sealers
2 mL DeepWell Plate
1 mL DeepWell Plate
Silicone Sealing Mat for 1 mL DeepWell Plates
Silicone Sealing Mat for 2 mL DeepWell Plates